

In English this rhyme reads: A badger, getting up early.

Unframed A3 / A4 digital print.

Lapa Beag are a series of prints based on our native animals with simple rhymes in Irish inspiring a love of the language in young and old alike. We believe protecting our planet’s biodiversity, cultures and minority languages go hand in hand!

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Ships From: Ireland

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Irish language animal prints, Animal pictures for nursery

In English this rhyme reads: A badger, getting up early.

Unframed A3  / A4 digital print.

Lapa beag are a series of prints based on our native animals with simple rhymes in Irish, inspiring a love of the language in young and old alike. We also believe protecting our planet’s biodiversity, cultures and minority languages go hand in hand!

Also as Gaeilge!… Is sraith priontaí dár n-ainmhithe dúchasacha le rímeanna simplí iad lapa beag, a spreagann dúil sa teanga idir liath agus leanbh. creidimid go dtéann bithéagsúlacht an phláinéid, cultúir agus mionteangacha le chéile agus go gcaithimid iad a chosaint!

Made in Ireland.

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